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Which Ring Goes Where?

Various observations about the respective ring fingers can leave us relatively confuzzled.

A personal observation I made about engagement ring fingers, is that being in a multi-cultural country like Singapore, different people may wear the respective rings differently.

Once near-baffled by this variation, I asked my then-boss where his wife wore her engagement ring before the wedding.

“The fourth finger on the right hand,” was his matter-of-fact reply.

“I have friends wearing their engagement rings on the actual ring finger, the wedding ring one,” was mine.

I remember him thinking for a brief moment before saying, rather amusedly, that the fourth finger on the right hand is said to have the vein that runs to the heart, which signifies the closeness of.

I later found that to be true as I took a look around more closely at women who were either engaged or already married.

Some wear it on their actual ring finger on the left hand, which I had previously wondered about as well.

Do they take out the engagement ring on the wedding day because the wedding ring has to be slipped on, or does the wedding ring go on top of the engagement ring during the ceremony itself, or should the wedding ring be swapped to the third finger on the left hand, if not permanently on the right hand where the vein holds dearer the significance?

Apparently all of the above applies.


Image courtesy of Wikipedia

It does not really matter as long as you wear it according to your preference, which could be one of the various forms:

– left hand ring finger
– right hand ring finger
– left right third finger
– right hand third finger

Or whichever makes you and your partner happy.

If you choose to wear the engagement ring on the left hand ring finger, you can simply either remove it for the wedding ring exchange during the ceremony and slip it on top of (or for some, below) it after, or like some, wear it either on your third finger or right hand ring finger.

Really it is not something to worry about, as long as the actual wedding ring gets slipped onto the correct finger during the ceremony.

Enjoy the bling, regardless the ring!